I Am My Own Autistic Lab Rat Topic = example one example of how my process can end in self sobotage
Beginning way back before age thirty I have had periods of desperately searching for more information to help better understand the things that make different from most. where dose X diverge from being neurotypical and become neurodivergent, to what degree do I view Y as an advantage or disadvantage and what are the ramifications. ECTERA AD INFINITUM! Over the last couple of days I have put a great deal of effort into provocatively redirecting my focus on this as a way of pulling back from the newly discovered sources of fresh, insightful and potentially life altering information available. There is a danger in this that I do not fault those who have never faced it in not comprehending. There is no sarcasm intended in sating that "they simply would not understand". Having just deleted 4 well written paragraphs of explanation and personal impact I rerun to my original point. With the exception of mentioning that I was for the first time able to derail an ...